Source code for ini2toml.plugins.setuptools_pep621

import logging
import re
import warnings
from functools import partial, reduce
from itertools import chain, zip_longest
from typing import (

    from packaging.requirements import Requirement
except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
    from setuptools.extern.packaging.requirements import Requirement  # type: ignore

from ..transformations import (
from ..types import Commented, CommentedKV, CommentedList, CommentKey, HiddenKey
from ..types import IntermediateRepr as IR
from ..types import Transformation, Translator, WhitespaceKey
from .best_effort import BestEffort

    from setuptools._distutils import command as distutils_commands
except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
    from distutils import command as distutils_commands

R = TypeVar("R", bound=IR)

RenameRules = Dict[Tuple[str, ...], Union[Tuple[Union[str, int], ...], None]]
ProcessingRules = Dict[Tuple[str, ...], Transformation]

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

chain_iter = chain.from_iterable

ENV_MARKER = re.compile(r";\s*(python|platform|implementation|os|sys)[_.]", re.M)
"""Simplified regex for :pep:`508` markers that can be used in ``setup.cfg``"""

# Functions that split values from comments and parse those values
split_list_comma = partial(split_list, sep=",", subsplit_dangling=False)
split_list_semi = partial(split_list, sep=";", subsplit_dangling=False)
split_hash_comment = partial(split_comment, comment_prefixes="#")  # avoid splitting `;`
split_bool = partial(split_comment, coerce_fn=coerce_bool)
split_kv_of_lists = partial(split_kv_pairs, coerce_fn=split_list_comma)
split_keywords = partial(split_list_comma, coerce_fn=lambda x: x.rstrip(","))
# URLs can contain the # symbol
split_kv_urls = partial(split_kv_pairs, comment_prefixes=(" #",))
split_url = partial(split_comment, comment_prefixes=(" #",))

SECTION_SPLITTER = re.compile(r"\.|:")
SETUPTOOLS_SECTIONS = ("metadata", "options")
    *getattr(distutils_commands, "__all__", []),

[docs] def activate(translator: Translator): plugin = SetuptoolsPEP621() profile = translator["setup.cfg"] profile.intermediate_processors += [plugin.normalise_keys, plugin.pep621_transform] profile.help_text = plugin.__doc__ or ""
class SetuptoolsPEP621: """Convert settings to 'pyproject.toml' based on :pep:`621`""" BUILD_REQUIRES = ("setuptools>=61.2",) def __init__(self): self._be = BestEffort(key_sep="=") @classmethod def template( cls, ir_cls: Type[R] = IR, # type: ignore build_requires: Sequence[str] = (), ) -> R: build_system = { "requires": [*(build_requires or cls.BUILD_REQUIRES)], # ^ NOTE: the code ahead assumes no version "build-backend": "setuptools.build_meta", } tpl = { "build-system": ir_cls(build_system), # type: ignore "metadata": ir_cls(), # NOTE: will be renamed later "tool": ir_cls(), } return ir_cls(tpl) # type: ignore def setupcfg_aliases(self): """``setup.cfg`` aliases as defined in: """ return { "classifier": "classifiers", "summary": "description", "platform": "platforms", "license-file": "license-files", "home-page": "url", } def processing_rules(self) -> ProcessingRules: """Value type processing, as defined in: """ # If not present below will be transformed via split_comment by default return { ("metadata", "version"): directive("file", "attr"), ("metadata", "classifiers"): directive("file", orelse=split_list_comma), ("metadata", "keywords"): split_keywords, ("metadata", "description"): directive("file"), # --- ("metadata", "long-description"): directive("file", orelse=noop), ("metadata", "long-description-content-type"): split_hash_comment, # => NOTICE: further processed via # `merge_and_rename_long_description_and_content_type` # --- ("metadata", "license-files"): split_list_comma, # => NOTICE: not standard for now, needs PEP 639 # further processed via `remove_metadata_not_in_pep621` # --- ("metadata", "url"): split_url, ("metadata", "download-url"): split_url, ("metadata", "project-urls"): split_kv_urls, # => NOTICE: further processed via `merge_and_rename_urls` # ---- Not covered by PEP 621 ---- ("metadata", "platforms"): split_list_comma, # --- ("metadata", "provides"): split_list_comma, ("metadata", "requires"): deprecated("requires", split_list_comma), ("metadata", "obsoletes"): split_list_comma, # => NOTICE: not supported by pip # ---- Options ---- ("options", "zip-safe"): split_bool, ("options", "setup-requires"): split_deps, ("options", "install-requires"): directive("file", orelse=split_deps), ("options", "tests-require"): split_deps, ("options", "scripts"): split_list_comma, ("options", "eager-resources"): split_list_comma, ("options", "dependency-links"): deprecated( "dependency-links", split_list_comma ), # noqa ("options", "entry-points"): directive( "file", orelse=value_error("option.entry-points") ), ("options", "include-package-data"): split_bool, ("options", "package-dir"): split_kv_pairs, ("options", "namespace-packages"): split_list_comma, ("options", "py-modules"): split_list_comma, ("options", "cmdclass"): split_kv_pairs, ("options", "data-files"): deprecated("data-files", split_kv_of_lists), ("options", "packages"): directive( "find", "find_namespace", orelse=split_list_comma ), ("options.packages.find", "include"): split_list_comma, ("options.packages.find", "exclude"): split_list_comma, ("options.packages.find", "exclude"): split_list_comma, } # See also dependent_processing_rules def dependent_processing_rules(self, doc: IR) -> ProcessingRules: """Dynamically create processing rules, such as :func:`processing_rules` based on the existing document. """ groups: Mapping[str, Transformation] = { "options.extras-require": directive("file", orelse=split_deps), "options.package-data": split_list_comma, "options.exclude-package-data": split_list_comma, "": split_list_comma, "options.entry-points": split_kv_pairs, } return { (g, k): fn for g, fn in groups.items() for k in doc.get(g, ()) if isinstance(k, str) } def apply_value_processing(self, doc: R) -> R: """Process ``setup.cfg`` values according to :meth:`processing_rules` and :meth:`dependent_processing_rules`. This function assumes all field names were normalised by :meth:`normalise_keys`. """ default = { (name, option): split_comment for name, section in doc.items() if name in ("metadata", "options") for option in section if isinstance(option, (str, tuple)) and not isinstance(option, HiddenKey) } transformations: dict = { **default, **self.processing_rules(), **self.dependent_processing_rules(doc), } for (section, option), fn in transformations.items(): value = doc.get(section, {}).get(option, None) if value is not None: doc[section][option] = fn(value) return doc def merge_and_rename_urls(self, doc: R) -> R: """The following renames can be applied when comparing setuptools metadata and :pep:`621`:: url => urls.homepage download-url => project-urls.* => urls.* """ metadata: IR = doc["metadata"] new_urls = [ (dest, metadata.pop(orig)) for orig, dest in [("url", "Homepage"), ("download-url", "Download")] if orig in metadata ] urls = metadata.get("project-urls", CommentedKV()) for k, v in reversed(new_urls): urls.insert_line(0, [(k, v.value)], v.comment) if urls.as_dict(): keys = ("project-urls", "url", "download-url") metadata.replace_first_remove_others(keys, "urls", urls) return doc def merge_authors_maintainers_and_emails(self, doc: R) -> R: """When transforming setuptools metadata and :pep:`621`, we have to merge ``author/maintainer`` and ``author-email/maintainer-email`` into a single dict-like object with 2 keys. Some projects also provide multiple, comma separated, values for each field. In that case we assume that the value for the i-th author/maintainer should be paired with to the i-th author-email/maintainer-email value. """ metadata: IR = doc["metadata"] def _split_values(field: str) -> Tuple[Iterator[str], Optional[str]]: commented: Commented[str] = metadata.get(field, Commented()) values = commented.value_or("").strip().split(",") return (v.strip() for v in values), commented.comment for key in ("author", "maintainer"): fields = (key, f"{key}-email") values, comments = zip(*(_split_values(f) for f in fields)) combined = ( {k: v for k, v in zip(("name", "email"), person_data) if v} # ^-- Remove empty fields for person_data in zip_longest(*values, fillvalue="") ) people = [IR(c) for c in combined if c] # type: ignore[arg-type] if people: # author/maintainer => author**S**/maintainer**S** i = metadata.replace_first_remove_others(fields, f"{key}s", people) for j, cmt in enumerate(c for c in comments if c): metadata.insert(j + i + 1, CommentKey(), cmt) return doc def merge_and_rename_long_description_and_content_type(self, doc: R) -> R: """:pep:`621` offers a single field (``readme``) to cover things present in two fields in ``setup.cfg``:: long_description.file => readme.file long_description => readme.text long-description-content-type => readme.content-type We also have to be aware that :pep:`621` accepts a single file, so the option of combining multiple files as presented in ``setup.cfg`` have to be handled via ``dynamic``. """ metadata: IR = doc["metadata"] long_desc: Union[Directive, str, None] = metadata.get("long-description") if not long_desc: metadata.pop("long-description", None) metadata.pop("long-description-content-type", None) return doc readme: Dict[str, Any] = {} dynamic = False if isinstance(long_desc, Directive): # In PEP 621 "readme" should be a single file files: CommentedList[str] = long_desc["file"] files_list = files.as_list() if len(files_list) == 1: readme = {"file": Commented(files_list[0], files[0].comment)} else: readme = dict(long_desc) dynamic = True else: readme = {"text": long_desc.strip()} content_type = metadata.pop("long-description-content-type", None) if content_type: readme["content-type"] = content_type if dynamic: metadata.setdefault("dynamic", []).append("readme") doc.setdefault("options.dynamic", IR()).append("readme", readme) metadata.pop("long-description") return doc if len(list(readme.keys())) == 1 and "file" in readme: metadata["long-description"] = readme["file"] else: metadata["long-description"] = IR(readme) # type: ignore[arg-type] metadata.rename("long-description", "readme") return doc def handle_license(self, doc: R) -> R: """In :pep:`621` we have a single field for license, which is not compatible with setuptools ``license-files``. This field is meant to fill the ``License`` core metadata as a plain license text (not a path to a file). Even when the ``project.license.file`` table field is given, the idea is that the file should be expanded into text. This will likely change once :pep:`639` is accepted. Meanwhile we have to translate ``license-files`` into a setuptools specific configuration. """ metadata: IR = doc["metadata"] if "license" in metadata: metadata.rename("license", ("license", "text")) return doc def move_and_split_entrypoints(self, doc: R) -> R: """In ``setup.cfg`` there is no special treatment for entry-points that will be transformed in console/GUI scripts. On the other hand :pep:`621` defines separated fields:: entry-points.console-scripts => scripts entry-points.gui-scripts => gui-scripts entry-points.* => "entry-points".* """ entrypoints: IR = doc.get("options.entry-points", IR()) if not entrypoints: doc.pop("options.entry-points", None) return doc doc.rename("options.entry-points", "project:entry-points") # ^ use `:` to guarantee it is split later script_keys = ["console-scripts", "gui-scripts"] script_keys += [k.replace("-", "_") for k in script_keys] keys = (k for k in script_keys if k in entrypoints) for key in keys: scripts: CommentedKV = entrypoints.pop(key) new_key = key.replace("_", "-").replace("console-", "") doc.append(f"project:{new_key}", scripts.to_ir()) if not entrypoints or all(isinstance(k, WhitespaceKey) for k in entrypoints): doc.pop("project:entry-points") return doc def move_options_missing_in_pep621(self, doc: R) -> R: """:pep:`621` specifies as project metadata values that are covered in ``setup.cfg "options"`` section. """ # First we handle simple options naming = { "python-requires": "requires-python", "install-requires": "dependencies", "entry-points": "entry-points", } metadata = doc.setdefault("metadata", IR()) options = doc.setdefault("options", IR()) metadata.update({v: options.pop(k) for k, v in naming.items() if k in options}) # Then we handle entire sections: naming = {"extras-require": "optional-dependencies"} for src, target in naming.items(): doc.rename(f"options.{src}", f"project:{target}", ignore_missing=True) return doc def remove_metadata_not_in_pep621(self, doc: R) -> R: """:pep:`621` does not cover all project metadata in ``setup.cfg "metadata"`` section. That is left as "tool" specific configuration. """ # TODO: PEP 621 does not specify an equivalent for 'License-file' metadata, # but once PEP 639 is approved this will change metadata = doc.get("metadata", IR()) non_standard = ("platforms", "provides", "obsoletes", "license-files") specific = [k for k in non_standard if k in metadata] if specific: options = doc.setdefault("options", IR()) options.update({k: metadata.pop(k) for k in specific}) return doc def rename_script_files(self, doc: R) -> R: """``setuptools`` define a ``options.scripts`` parameters that refer to script files, not created via entry-points. To avoid confusion with :pep:`621` scripts (generated via entry-points) let's rename this field to ``script-files`` """ doc["options"].rename("scripts", "script-files", ignore_missing=True) return doc def handle_packages_find(self, doc: R) -> R: """``setup.cfg`` uses a option + a section to define ``options.packages.find`` and its ``find_namespace`` variant. This does not work very well with the convention used for the TOML encoding, since the option and the section would end up with the same name (and overwriting each other). Therefore we need to "merge" them. """ options = doc["options"] # Abort when not using find or find_namespace packages = options.get("packages") if not isinstance(packages, Directive): if "options.packages.find" in doc: _ConfusingPackagesConfig.emit() doc.pop("options.packages.find", None) return doc prefix = packages.kind.replace("_", "-") # Enhancement #1: Unify find and find_namespaces, using `namespaces` as a flag options["packages"] = Directive("find", {"namespaces": "namespace" in prefix}) if "options.packages.find" in doc: packages = options.pop("packages") doc["options.packages.find"].update(packages["find"]) # Enhancement #2: ``where`` accepts multiple values (array) where = doc["options.packages.find"].get("where", None) if where: doc["options.packages.find"]["where"] = _ensure_where_list(where) return doc def handle_dynamic(self, doc: R) -> R: """All the configuration fields in :pep:`621` that are dynamically discovered at build time have to be explicitly list in ``dynamic``. This function moves directive usages (e.g. ``file:`` and ``attr:``) to a tool-specific subtable (``tool.setuptools.dynamic``), and add the corresponding field to ``dynamic``. Since ``version`` is a mandatory core metadata, it will be added to ``dynamic`` when not explicitly set (in that case plugins such as ``setuptools_scm`` are expected to provide a value at runtime). """ potential = ["version", "classifiers", "description", "dependencies"] # directives = {k[-1]: v for k, v in self.setupcfg_directives().items()} metadata, options = doc["metadata"], doc["options"] field_falues = ((f, metadata.get(f)) for f in potential) fields = [f for f, v in field_falues if isinstance(v, Directive)] dynamic = {f: metadata.pop(f, None) for f in fields} if "version" not in metadata and "version" not in dynamic: msg = ( "No `version` was found in `[metadata]`, `ini2toml` will assume it is " "defined by tools like `setuptools-scm` or in ``. " "Automatically adding it to `dynamic` (in accordance with PEP 621)" ) _logger.debug(msg) fields.insert(0, "version") extras: List[str] = [] ep = metadata.pop("entry-points", options.pop("entry-points", None)) if isinstance(ep, Directive): fields.append("entry-points") dynamic["entry-points"] = ep extras = ["scripts", "gui-scripts"] if not fields: return doc dyn_deps = [ isinstance(v, Directive) for v in doc.get("project:optional-dependencies", {}).values() ] if any(dyn_deps): dynamic["optional-dependencies"] = doc.pop("project:optional-dependencies") fields.append("optional-dependencies") if not all(dyn_deps): _logger.warning( "setuptools may require all optional-dependencies to be dynamic " "when using `pyproject.toml`." ) metadata.setdefault("dynamic", []).extend(fields + extras) if dynamic: doc.setdefault("options.dynamic", IR()).update(dynamic) # ^ later `options.dynamic` is converted to `tool.setuptools.dynamic` return doc def fix_extras_require(self, doc: R) -> R: """`extras-require` can have markers embedded in the extra group they need to be removed and added to the dependencies themselves """ if "project:optional-dependencies" not in doc: return doc extras = doc["project:optional-dependencies"] keys = list(extras.keys()) # Eager, so we can modify extras for key in keys: if not isinstance(key, str): continue extra_name, _, marker = key.partition(":") extra_name, marker = extra_name.strip(), marker.strip() if not marker: continue values = extras[key] extras.rename(key, extra_name) extras[extra_name] = [_add_marker(r, marker) for r in values.as_list()] return doc def move_setup_requires(self, doc: R) -> R: """Move ``setup_requires`` to the equivalent field in :pep:`518`, and add mandatory build dependencies if they are missing and """ options = doc["options"] build_system = doc["build-system"] if "setup-requires" in options: msg = "The field 'setup_requires' is deprecated. " msg += "Converting to `build-system.requires` as specified by PEP 518." warnings.warn(msg, DeprecationWarning) # noqa: B028 requirements: CommentedList[str] = options.pop("setup-requires") # Deduplicate existing = {Requirement(r).name: r for r in requirements.as_list()} mandatory = { Requirement(r).name: r for r in chain(build_system.get("requires", []), self.BUILD_REQUIRES) } new = [r for name, r in mandatory.items() if name not in existing] for req in reversed(new): requirements.insert_line(0, (req,)) build_system["requires"] = requirements return doc def move_tests_require(self, doc: R) -> R: """Move ``tests_require`` to a ``testing`` extra as optional dependency (this option is deprecated in setuptools (the test command is deprecated). It assumes ``move_options_missing_in_pep621`` already run (to populate ``project:optional-dependencies``. """ if "tests-require" in doc["options"]: msg = "The field 'tests_require' is deprecated and no longer supported. " msg += "Dependencies will be converted to optional (`testing` extra). " msg += "You can use a tool like `tox` or `nox` to replace this workflow." warnings.warn(msg, DeprecationWarning) # noqa: B028 reqs: CommentedList[str] = doc["options"].pop("tests-require") if "project:optional-dependencies" not in doc: doc["project:optional-dependencies"] = IR(testing=reqs) return doc opt_deps = doc["project:optional-dependencies"] if "testing" not in opt_deps: opt_deps["testing"] = reqs testing: CommentedList[str] = opt_deps["testing"] test_deps = {Requirement(r).name: r for r in reqs.as_list()} existing_deps = {Requirement(r).name: r for r in testing.as_list()} new = [r for name, r in test_deps.items() if name not in existing_deps] for req in new: testing.insert_line(len(testing), (req,)) return doc def make_include_package_data_explicit(self, doc: R) -> R: options = doc["options"] if "include-package-data" not in options: # This allows setuptools to decide to change the default from False to True, # when adopting PEP 621 options["include-package-data"] = False return doc def parse_setup_py_command_options(self, doc: R) -> R: """``distutils`` commands can accept arguments from ``setup.cfg`` files. This function moves these arguments to their own ``distutils`` tool-specific sub-table """ sections = list(doc.keys()) commands = _distutils_commands() - SKIP_COMMAND_SECTIONS for k in sections: if isinstance(k, str) and k in commands: section = self._be.apply_best_effort_to_section(doc[k]) for option in section: if isinstance(option, str): section.rename(option, self.normalise_key(option)) doc[k] = section doc.rename(k, ("distutils", k)) return doc def split_subtables(self, out: R) -> R: """``setuptools`` emulate nested sections (e.g.: ``options.extras_require``) which can be directly expressed in TOML via sub-tables. """ sections = [ k for k in out.keys() if isinstance(k, str) and (k.startswith("options.") or ":" in k) ] for section in sections: new_key = SECTION_SPLITTER.split(section) if section.startswith("options."): new_key = ["tool", "setuptools", *new_key[1:]] out.rename(section, tuple(new_key)) return out def ensure_pep518(self, doc: R) -> R: """:pep:`518` specifies that any other tool adding configuration under ``pyproject.toml`` should use the ``tool`` table. This means that the only top-level keys are ``build-system``, ``project`` and ``tool``. """ allowed = ("build-system", "project", "tool", "metadata", "options") allowed_prefixes = ("options.", "project:") for k in list(doc.keys()): key = k rest: Sequence = () if isinstance(k, tuple) and not isinstance(key, HiddenKey): key, *rest = k if isinstance(key, HiddenKey): continue if not (key in allowed or any(key.startswith(p) for p in allowed_prefixes)): doc.rename(k, ("tool", key, *rest)) return doc def pep621_transform(self, doc: R) -> R: """Rules are applied sequentially and therefore can interfere with the following ones. Please notice that renaming is applied after value processing. """ transformations = [ # --- value processing and type changes --- self.apply_value_processing, # --- transformations mainly focusing on PEP 621 --- self.merge_and_rename_urls, self.merge_authors_maintainers_and_emails, self.merge_and_rename_long_description_and_content_type, self.handle_license, self.move_and_split_entrypoints, self.move_options_missing_in_pep621, self.remove_metadata_not_in_pep621, # --- General fixes self.fix_extras_require, self.rename_script_files, self.handle_packages_find, self.handle_dynamic, self.move_setup_requires, self.move_tests_require, self.make_include_package_data_explicit, # --- distutils --- self.parse_setup_py_command_options, # --- final steps --- self.split_subtables, self.ensure_pep518, ] out = self.template(doc.__class__) out.update(doc) out.setdefault("metadata", IR()) out.setdefault("options", IR()) out = reduce(apply, transformations, out) out.rename("metadata", "project", ignore_missing=True) out.rename("options", ("tool", "setuptools"), ignore_missing=True) return out def normalise_keys(self, cfg: R) -> R: """Normalise keys in ``setup.cfg``, by replacing aliases with cannonic names and replacing the snake case with kebab case. .. note:: Although setuptools recently deprecated kebab case in ``setup.cfg`` ``pyproject.toml`` use it as a convention (as established in :pep:`517`, :pep:`518` and :pep:`621`) so this normalisation makes more sense for the translation. """ # Normalise for the same convention as pyproject for i in range(len(cfg.order)): section_name = cfg.order[i] if not isinstance(section_name, str): continue if not any(section_name.startswith(s) for s in SETUPTOOLS_SECTIONS): continue section = cfg[section_name] cfg.rename(section_name, kebab_case(section_name)) if any(section_name.startswith(s) for s in SKIP_CHILD_NORMALISATION): continue for j in range(len(section.order)): option_name = section.order[j] if not isinstance(option_name, str): continue section.rename(option_name, self.normalise_key(option_name)) # Normalise aliases metadata = cfg.get("metadata") if not metadata: return cfg for alias, cannonic in self.setupcfg_aliases().items(): if alias in metadata: msg = f"{alias!r} is deprecated. Translating to {cannonic!r} instead." warnings.warn(msg, DeprecationWarning) # noqa: B028 metadata.rename(alias, cannonic) return cfg def normalise_key(self, key: str) -> str: """Normalise a single key for option""" return kebab_case(key) # ---- Helpers ---- class Directive(dict): """Represent a setuptools' setup.cfg directive (e.g 'file:', 'attr:') In TOML these directives can be represented as dict-like objects, however in the conversion algorithm we need to be able to differentiate between them. By inheriting from dict, we can use directive classes interchangeably but also check using `isinstance(obj, Directive)`. """ def __init__(self, kind: str, args: Any): self.kind = kind self.args = Any super().__init__(((kind, args),)) def directive(*directives: str, orelse=split_comment): """:obj:`~functools.partial` form of :func:`split_directive`""" directives = directives or ("file", "attr") return partial(split_directive, directives=directives, orelse=orelse) def split_directive( value: str, directives: Sequence[str] = ("file", "attr"), orelse=split_comment ): candidates = (d for d in directives if value.strip().startswith(f"{d}:")) directive = next(candidates, None) if directive is None: return orelse(value) raw_value = value.lstrip()[len(directive) + 1 :].strip() if directive == "file": return Directive(directive, split_list_comma(raw_value)) return Directive(directive, split_comment(raw_value)) def value_error(field: str): """Simply raise a :exc:`ValueError` when used as a transformation function""" def _fn(value): raise ValueError(f"Invalid value for {field!r}: {value!r}") return _fn def _distutils_commands() -> Set[str]: try: from . import iterate_entry_points commands = [ for ep in iterate_entry_points("distutils.commands")] except Exception: commands = [] return {*commands, *COMMAND_SECTIONS} def _ensure_where_list(where): if isinstance(where, Commented): return where.as_commented_list() return [where] def _add_marker(dep: str, marker: str) -> str: joiner = " and " if ";" in dep else "; " return joiner.join((dep, marker)) def split_deps(value: str) -> CommentedList: """Setuptools seem to accept line continuations for markers (with comments in the middle), and that is more difficult to process. e.g.: """ opts = {"force_multiline": True} if else {} internal: CommentedList[str] = split_list_semi(value, **opts) lines = list(internal) L = len(lines) i = j = 0 remove = [] while i < L: line = lines[i] if line.comment_only() or not line.value: i += 1 continue while line.value and line.value[-1].strip()[-1] == "\\": comments: List[Tuple[int, str]] = [] for j in range(i + 1, L): # Find the non commented / non empty line following = lines[j] if following.value_or(None): line = _fuse_lines(line, following) lines[i] = line if len(comments) == 1 and not line.has_comment(): # If just one comment was found in between, # use it as a inline comment remove.append(comments[0][0]) line.comment = comments[0][1] remove.append(j) i = j break if following.comment: # Store the comments, they might be used as inline comments.append((j, following.comment)) i += 1 for i in reversed(remove): # backwards otherwise we lose track of the indexes lines.pop(i) return CommentedList(lines) def _fuse_lines(line1: Commented[List[str]], line2: Commented[List[str]]): """Fuse 2 lines in a CommentedList that accidentally split a single value between them """ values1 = line1.value values2 = line2.value # Requires line1 and line2 to not be empty assert isinstance(values1, list) and isinstance(values2, list) keep1, keep2 = values1[:-1], values2[1:] shared = values1[-1].strip().strip("\\").strip() + " " + values2[0].strip() return Commented(keep1 + [shared] + keep2, line2.comment) class _ConfusingPackagesConfig(UserWarning): _MSG = """Confusing configuration `[options.packages.find]`. Original configuration sets both: - `[options] packages = ...` as a list of named packages - `[options.packages.find]` The confusion comes from the fact that `[options.packages.find]` should be used with `[options] packages = find:` or `[options] packages = find_namespace:`. Conversion will ignore `[options.packages.find]`, as it cannot be written in the TOML format when `[options] packages = ...` is already given. """ __doc__ = _MSG @classmethod def emit(cls, msg=_MSG, stacklevel=1): warnings.warn(msg, category=cls, stacklevel=stacklevel + 1)