
exception ini2toml.errors.AlreadyRegisteredAugmentation(name: str, new: Callable, existing: Callable)[source]

Bases: ValueError

The profile augmentation ‘{name}’ is already registered for ‘{existing}’.

Some installed plugins seem to be in conflict with each other, please check ‘{new}’ and ‘{existing}’. If you are the developer behind one of them, please use a different name.

exception ini2toml.errors.InvalidAugmentationName(name: str)[source]

Bases: ValueError

Profile augmentations should be valid python identifiers

classmethod check(name: str)[source]
exception ini2toml.errors.InvalidCfgBlock(block)[source]

Bases: ValueError

Something is wrong with the provided .ini/.cfg AST

exception ini2toml.errors.InvalidTOMLKey(key)[source]

Bases: ValueError

{key!r} is not a valid key in the intermediate TOML representation

exception ini2toml.errors.UndefinedProfile(name: str, available: Sequence[str])[source]

Bases: ValueError

The given profile (‘{name}’) is not registered with ini2toml. Are you sure you have the right plugins installed and loaded?