import inspect
from functools import reduce
from types import MappingProxyType
from typing import Dict, Generic, List, Mapping, Sequence, TypeVar, cast
from . import types # Structural/Abstract types
from .errors import (
from .profile import Profile, ProfileAugmentation
from .transformations import apply
T = TypeVar("T")
EMPTY = MappingProxyType({}) # type: ignore
class BaseTranslator(Generic[T]):
"""Translator object that follows the public API defined in
:class:`ini2toml.types.Translator`. See :doc:`/dev-guide` for a quick explanation of
concepts such as plugins, profiles, profile augmentations, etc.
function to convert the ``.ini/.cfg`` file into an :class:`intermediate
representation <ini2toml.intermediate_repr.IntermediateRepr>` object.
Possible values for this argument include:
- :func:`ini2toml.drivers.configparser.parse` (when comments can be simply
- :func:`ini2toml.drivers.configupdater.parse` (when you wish to preserve
comments in the TOML output)
function to convert the :class:`intermediate representation
<ini2toml.intermediate_repr.IntermediateRepr>` object into (ideally)
a TOML string.
If you don't exactly need a TOML string (maybe you want your TOML to
be represented by :class:`bytes` or simply the equivalent :obj:`dict`) you can
also pass a ``Callable[[IntermediateRepr], T]`` function for any desired ``T``.
Possible values for this argument include:
- :func:`ini2toml.drivers.lite_toml.convert` (when comments can be simply
- :func:`ini2toml.drivers.full_toml.convert` (when you wish to preserve
comments in the TOML output)
- :func:`ini2toml.drivers.plain_builtins.convert` (when you wish to retrieve a
:class:`dict` equivalent to the TOML, instead of string with the TOML syntax)
list of plugins activation functions. By default no plugin will be activated.
list of profile objects, by default no profile will be pre-loaded (plugins can
still add them).
list of profile augmentations. By default no profile augmentation will be
preloaded (plugins can still add them)
syntax options for parsing ``.ini/.cfg`` files (see
:mod:`~configparser.ConfigParser` and :mod:`~configupdater.ConfigUpdater`).
By default it uses the standard configuration of the selected parser (depending
on the choice of ``ini_loads_fn``).
Most of the times the usage of :class:`~ini2toml.translator.Translator`
(or its deterministic variants ``LiteTranslator``, ``FullTranslator``) is preferred
over :class:`~ini2toml.base_translator.BaseTranslator` (unless you are vendoring
``ini2toml`` and wants to reduce the number of files included in your project).
profiles: Dict[str, types.Profile]
plugins: List[types.Plugin]
def __init__(
ini_loads_fn: types.IniLoadsFn,
toml_dumps_fn: types.IReprCollapseFn[T],
plugins: Sequence[types.Plugin] = (),
profiles: Sequence[types.Profile] = (),
profile_augmentations: Sequence[types.ProfileAugmentation] = (),
ini_parser_opts: Mapping = EMPTY,
self.plugins = _deduplicate_plugins(plugins)
self.ini_parser_opts = ini_parser_opts
self.profiles = { p for p in profiles}
self.augmentations: Dict[str, types.ProfileAugmentation] = {
( or p.fn.__name__): p for p in profile_augmentations
self._loads_fn = ini_loads_fn
self._dumps_fn = toml_dumps_fn
for activate in self.plugins:
def loads(self, text: str) -> types.IntermediateRepr:
return self._loads_fn(text, self.ini_parser_opts)
def dumps(self, irepr: types.IntermediateRepr) -> T:
return self._dumps_fn(irepr)
def __getitem__(self, profile_name: str) -> types.Profile:
"""Retrieve an existing profile (or create a new one)."""
if profile_name not in self.profiles:
profile = Profile(profile_name)
if self.ini_parser_opts:
profile = profile.replace(ini_parser_opts=self.ini_parser_opts)
self.profiles[profile_name] = profile
return self.profiles[profile_name]
def augment_profiles(
fn: types.ProfileAugmentationFn,
active_by_default: bool = False,
name: str = "",
help_text: str = "",
"""Register a profile augmentation function to be called after the
profile is selected and before the actual translation (see :doc:`/dev-guide`).
name = (name or fn.__name__).strip()
AlreadyRegisteredAugmentation.check(name, fn, self.augmentations)
help_text = help_text or fn.__doc__ or ""
obj = ProfileAugmentation(fn, active_by_default, name, help_text)
self.augmentations[name] = obj
def _add_augmentations(
self, profile: types.Profile, explicit_activation: Mapping[str, bool] = EMPTY
) -> types.Profile:
for aug in self.augmentations.values():
if aug.is_active(explicit_activation.get(
return profile
def translate(
ini: str,
profile_name: str,
active_augmentations: Mapping[str, bool] = EMPTY,
) -> T:
UndefinedProfile.check(profile_name, list(self.profiles.keys()))
profile = cast(Profile, self[profile_name])._copy()
# ^--- avoid permanent changes and conflicts with duplicated augmentation
self._add_augmentations(profile, active_augmentations)
ini = reduce(apply, profile.pre_processors, ini)
irepr = self.loads(ini)
irepr = reduce(apply, profile.intermediate_processors, irepr)
toml = self.dumps(irepr)
return reduce(apply, profile.post_processors, toml)
def _deduplicate_plugins(plugins: Sequence[types.Plugin]) -> List[types.Plugin]:
deduplicated = {_plugin_name(p): p for p in plugins}
return list(deduplicated.values())
def _plugin_name(plugin: types.Plugin) -> str:
mod = inspect.getmodule(plugin)
modname = getattr(mod, "__name__", str(mod))
name = getattr(plugin, "__qualname__", getattr(plugin, "__name__", "**plugin**"))
return f"{modname}:{name}"