Source code for ini2toml.base_translator

import inspect
from functools import reduce
from types import MappingProxyType
from typing import Dict, Generic, List, Mapping, Sequence, TypeVar, cast

from . import types  # Structural/Abstract types
from .errors import (
from .profile import Profile, ProfileAugmentation
from .transformations import apply

T = TypeVar("T")
EMPTY = MappingProxyType({})  # type: ignore

[docs] class BaseTranslator(Generic[T]): """Translator object that follows the public API defined in :class:`ini2toml.types.Translator`. See :doc:`/dev-guide` for a quick explanation of concepts such as plugins, profiles, profile augmentations, etc. Arguments --------- ini_loads_fn: function to convert the ``.ini/.cfg`` file into an :class:`intermediate representation <ini2toml.intermediate_repr.IntermediateRepr>` object. Possible values for this argument include: - :func:`ini2toml.drivers.configparser.parse` (when comments can be simply removed) - :func:`ini2toml.drivers.configupdater.parse` (when you wish to preserve comments in the TOML output) toml_dumps_fn: function to convert the :class:`intermediate representation <ini2toml.intermediate_repr.IntermediateRepr>` object into (ideally) a TOML string. If you don't exactly need a TOML string (maybe you want your TOML to be represented by :class:`bytes` or simply the equivalent :obj:`dict`) you can also pass a ``Callable[[IntermediateRepr], T]`` function for any desired ``T``. Possible values for this argument include: - :func:`ini2toml.drivers.lite_toml.convert` (when comments can be simply removed) - :func:`ini2toml.drivers.full_toml.convert` (when you wish to preserve comments in the TOML output) - :func:`ini2toml.drivers.plain_builtins.convert` (when you wish to retrieve a :class:`dict` equivalent to the TOML, instead of string with the TOML syntax) plugins: list of plugins activation functions. By default no plugin will be activated. profiles: list of profile objects, by default no profile will be pre-loaded (plugins can still add them). profile_augmentations: list of profile augmentations. By default no profile augmentation will be preloaded (plugins can still add them) ini_parser_opts: syntax options for parsing ``.ini/.cfg`` files (see :mod:`~configparser.ConfigParser` and :mod:`~configupdater.ConfigUpdater`). By default it uses the standard configuration of the selected parser (depending on the choice of ``ini_loads_fn``). Tip --- Most of the times the usage of :class:`~ini2toml.translator.Translator` (or its deterministic variants ``LiteTranslator``, ``FullTranslator``) is preferred over :class:`~ini2toml.base_translator.BaseTranslator` (unless you are vendoring ``ini2toml`` and wants to reduce the number of files included in your project). """ profiles: Dict[str, types.Profile] plugins: List[types.Plugin] def __init__( self, ini_loads_fn: types.IniLoadsFn, toml_dumps_fn: types.IReprCollapseFn[T], plugins: Sequence[types.Plugin] = (), profiles: Sequence[types.Profile] = (), profile_augmentations: Sequence[types.ProfileAugmentation] = (), ini_parser_opts: Mapping = EMPTY, ): self.plugins = _deduplicate_plugins(plugins) self.ini_parser_opts = ini_parser_opts self.profiles = { p for p in profiles} self.augmentations: Dict[str, types.ProfileAugmentation] = { ( or p.fn.__name__): p for p in profile_augmentations } self._loads_fn = ini_loads_fn self._dumps_fn = toml_dumps_fn for activate in self.plugins: activate(self)
[docs] def loads(self, text: str) -> types.IntermediateRepr: return self._loads_fn(text, self.ini_parser_opts)
[docs] def dumps(self, irepr: types.IntermediateRepr) -> T: return self._dumps_fn(irepr)
def __getitem__(self, profile_name: str) -> types.Profile: """Retrieve an existing profile (or create a new one).""" if profile_name not in self.profiles: profile = Profile(profile_name) if self.ini_parser_opts: profile = profile.replace(ini_parser_opts=self.ini_parser_opts) self.profiles[profile_name] = profile return self.profiles[profile_name]
[docs] def augment_profiles( self, fn: types.ProfileAugmentationFn, active_by_default: bool = False, name: str = "", help_text: str = "", ): """Register a profile augmentation function to be called after the profile is selected and before the actual translation (see :doc:`/dev-guide`). """ name = (name or fn.__name__).strip() InvalidAugmentationName.check(name) AlreadyRegisteredAugmentation.check(name, fn, self.augmentations) help_text = help_text or fn.__doc__ or "" obj = ProfileAugmentation(fn, active_by_default, name, help_text) self.augmentations[name] = obj
def _add_augmentations( self, profile: types.Profile, explicit_activation: Mapping[str, bool] = EMPTY ) -> types.Profile: for aug in self.augmentations.values(): if aug.is_active(explicit_activation.get( aug.fn(profile) return profile
[docs] def translate( self, ini: str, profile_name: str, active_augmentations: Mapping[str, bool] = EMPTY, ) -> T: UndefinedProfile.check(profile_name, list(self.profiles.keys())) profile = cast(Profile, self[profile_name])._copy() # ^--- avoid permanent changes and conflicts with duplicated augmentation self._add_augmentations(profile, active_augmentations) ini = reduce(apply, profile.pre_processors, ini) irepr = self.loads(ini) irepr = reduce(apply, profile.intermediate_processors, irepr) toml = self.dumps(irepr) return reduce(apply, profile.post_processors, toml)
def _deduplicate_plugins(plugins: Sequence[types.Plugin]) -> List[types.Plugin]: deduplicated = {_plugin_name(p): p for p in plugins} return list(deduplicated.values()) def _plugin_name(plugin: types.Plugin) -> str: mod = inspect.getmodule(plugin) modname = getattr(mod, "__name__", str(mod)) name = getattr(plugin, "__qualname__", getattr(plugin, "__name__", "**plugin**")) return f"{modname}:{name}"